Poetry & Other Writing
Jennifer's poems have twice won honorable mentions in the Gideon Poetry Review. The Great Gray Goose of Grief , winter 2020; and On the Way to Becoming, summer of 2019.
May 4, 2021
Treasure Hunt
In my 40s, I spent summers with my widowed mother in England. Before returning to New York, I would write playful notes and hide them around her house. Under the silver candlestick, she discovered: “The butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker — and your daughter — love you.” For weeks after I left, she would call and laugh. “I found another one of your little notes!” Cleaning out her house after she died, I found a box in her bedroom. Inside was every note I’d given her, organized by year — a gift she gave back to me.
New York Times Golden Shovel Poem
April 11, 2021
Winner in New York Times Golden Shovel Poem competition April 2021. Appeared in print on April 11, 2021, back page of the At Home section, with the headline: They Found Poetry in The Headlines